Very occasionally, for a variety of reasons, the Smartcode software may stop printing.

Most commonly this happens after a Windows Update, which can interfere with the system files required to successfully run the software and print.

The first solution, where possible, is to restart the computer. Please note that a logoff will not be sufficient.

If that's not possible, then attempt to restart the Smartcode application by closing it from the system tray

and then restarting from the start menu (application name is Smartcode)

If expected prints do not resume then open task manager, Details tab and killing the SmartPrintNotification.exe process. This is shown in the screenshots below.

Note that on Windows 10 (or 7), the tabs are across the top rather than down the side, but the process is the same.

After this, you can close Task Manager and restart the Smartcode application again. Should the application fail to restart, you will need to restart the computer.


If you are still unable to print, please try a test print from Windows. If that fails then the problem is unrelated to our software and lies between Windows and the printer.