To integrate Smartcode into your Shopify store as a private app go to your store admin, which will be on an url similar to{your store name}


Click Settings

Then Apps and sales channels

Then Develop Apps



Then Create an app



Enter 'Smartcode' for the app name, then click Create app


Click Configuration then the Admin API Integration Configure





You will then end up here



The following permissions need checking


write_orders, read_orders, write_products, write_customers, write_orders, write_shipping, write_order_edits, write_assigned_fulfillment_orders, read_assigned_fulfillment_orders, read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders, read_third_party_fulfillment_orders




Then save, which is at the bottom



Back at the top of the page, click API credentials



Then Install app


After the install you’ll see this:



Once you click Reveal token once it will give you a long string of characters, which you can then send to Smartcode support to give us access.